If you don't want to use your backend to make API calls, or if you plan to use screenshots URLs directly in
tags, using a Cloudflare worker to proxy ApiFlash might be a good solution.
In particular, this is useful for hiding your access key and leveraging Cloudflare's fast network delivery and
caching capabilities.
To create a Cloudflare account, go to cloudflare.com and sign up. From your dashboard, go to the workers section and create a new service. Give it a name, and choose any starter (it doesn't matter which one you choose). Then edit the worker with the following code. (don't forget to put your access key in the following code).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 | export default { async fetch(request) { let queryString = new URL(request.url).search; // Get the query string from the request URL. queryString += "&access_key=YOUR_ACCESS_KEY_HERE" // Add your access key to the query string. return fetch("https://api.apiflash.com/v1/urltoimage" + queryString, { cf: { // Cloudflare-specific properties. cacheTtl: 86400, // Cache screenshots for 24 hours. cacheEverything: true // Caches all file types beyond the Cloudflare default cached content. } }) }, }; |
Your Cloudflare worker is now proxying our screenshot API. All query string parameters are passed directly to ApiFlash, except for the access_key parameter, which is added by the worker.
You can now make API calls to ApiFlash through your worker (replace your worker name and subdomain).
1 | https://your-cf-worker-name.your-cf-subdomain.workers.dev/?url=https://example.com&wait_until=page_loaded
If you want to restrict the type of screenshots that can be made through your worker, you can add the needed
checks. For example here is how you can restrict the target url
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 | export default { async fetch(request) { let queryString = new URL(request.url).search; // Get the query string from the request URL. if (!new URLSearchParams(queryString).get("url").startsWith('https://target-domain.com')) { // Return a 403 response if the target URL does not start with https://target-domain.com return new Response('Forbidden URL', {status: 403}); } queryString += "&access_key=YOUR_ACCESS_KEY_HERE" // Add your access key to the query string. return fetch("https://api.apiflash.com/v1/urltoimage" + queryString, { cf: { // Cloudflare-specific properties. cacheTtl: 86400, // Cache screenshots for 24 hours. cacheEverything: true // Caches all file types beyond the Cloudflare default cached content. } }) }, }; |